Urban tour and workshop: Culture of remembrance of the People's Liberation Struggle on Trešnjevka
Pozivamo vas na urbanu turu pod naslovom „Kultura sjećanja na Narodnooslobodilačku borbu na Trešnjevki” koju ćemo održati u utorak 30. lipnja u 18h. Lokacija okupljanja i početna točka šetnje je križanje Fallerovog šetališta i Baštijanove ulice. Završavamo u parku preko puta BAZE gdje se svi zainteresirani mogu uključiti u radionicu na istu temu.
Autor i voditelj šetnje i radionice je etnolog Tomislav Augustinčić.
"In the area of the city of Zagreb during socialist Yugoslavia, more than 423 memorials were erected dedicated to the personalities, events, places, and activities of the People's Liberation Struggle. Of these, as many as 47 memorials were erected in Trešnjevka, and to this day only 13 are preserved in the public space of Trešnjevka. Socialist monuments in Trešnjevka were not only artifacts that documented and retold history, but also symbols of radically different system meanings, values, practices, and actions. They were also places of solidarity, gathering, and empowerment of communities. Through a tour of selected locations, the workers' and anti-fascist history of Trešnjevka will be presented, space will be opened for contemporary reflection on how and what to remember in Trešnjevka today, and topics of men's and women's history, labor, cultural creativity, and memory will be presented.
The estimated duration of the walk is 2 hours, followed by a workshop through which the strategies of "erasure" and "forgetting" that marked the lives of the socialist monuments in Trešnjevka will be creatively and commemoratively appropriated. "
The planned start of the workshop is at 20:00 in the park in front of the Budweiser Pub (Adžijina 16). No separate registration is required for the workshop. It is planned that all interested participants of the tour will join the workshop.
Tour organizers: [BLOK] – Lokalna baza za osvježavanje kulture and SF|ius – SOCIAL FRINGE: interesting untold stories
The tour was organized as part of the project "Trešnjevka Neighborhood Museum - Construction from Below".
Više informacija potražite na www.muzejsusjedstvatresnjevka.org ili pišite na blok@blok.hr
Projekt “Muzej susjedstva Trešnjevka – izgradnja odozdo” provodi [BLOK] u partnerstvu s udrugama Centar za mirovne studije, SF:ius and K-zona te Tehničkim muzejem Nikola Tesla.