Margherita Maselli –
Yugonostalgia on Screen: The Case of Crno-bijeli svijet

Crno-bijeli svijet is a 2015 Croatian TV show created by Goran Kulenović and Igor Mirković, deals with the everyday lives of two families in 1980s Zagreb. In my research, I argued that Crno-bijeli svijet manages to evoke a feeling of Yugonostalgia in its audience, mainly thanks to its aimed faithfulness in the representation of the specific time and space that constitutes its setting. In this presentation, I will illustrate the main elements through which Crno-bijeli svijet conveys this feeling of Yugonostalgia. I will also apply Svetlana Boym’s distinction between restorative and reflective nostalgia to the TV serial, in order to determine to which type Crno-bijeli svijet can mainly be ascribed to. Finally, I will discuss Crno-bijeli sviet’s “subversive” potential, as it can contribute to a historical narrative of the Yugoslav past, which does not focus on nationalist recollections, but rather on the concrete experiences of the people.


Margherita was born in Parma, Italy, in 1997. After a bachelor’s in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Bologna, she graduated with a master’s degree in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe, with a focus on the South Eastern European region. She is currently living in Zagreb, where she is working as an intern at Clubture Network.