KAEBUP: Completed student internship at SF:ius

As partner organization of The Knowledge Alliance for Evidence-Based Urban Practices (KAEBUP), SF:ius hosted Ana Maria Pacetti from the University of Porto and Marios Tsangaris from the University of Cyprus from July 5th to September 1st, 2023. This internship served as the focal point of KAEBUP, aimed at creating an international educational approach and setting new standards in urban planning.

Tijekom prakse, studenti su temeljito proučavali povijest urbanog razvoja Zagreba, analizirajući suvremene socioekonomske i urbanističke uvjete različitih gradskih četvrti, uključujući i Martinovku, smještenu između središta grada i rijeke Save. Fokus je bio na analizi izazova koje suvremeni uvjeti postindustrijskog urbanog razvoja predstavljaju za ovu četvrt, čiji je urbanistički koncept započet tijekom 1960-ih.

Studenti su sudjelovali u različitim fazama istraživanja, uključujući intervjue s lokalnim stanovnicima, terenska istraživanja i aktivnosti zajedničkog učenja. Koristili su različite metode, uključujući elemente iz pokreta Situacionističke internacionale i Unitarnog urbanizma. Ova studija slučaja rezultirala je publikacijama koje su predstavile rezultate istraživanja urbane morfologije Martinovke, primijenjene metodologije te prijedloge za daljnja istraživanja. Ove publikacije služe kao osnova za dijalog između stručnjaka i lokalne zajednice, doprinoseći razumijevanju stvarnih problema urbanističkog planiranja i arhitektonskog projektiranja.

The internship also inspired various conceptual solutions through artistic and creative methods of communication. SF:ius contributed to the development of interdisciplinary teaching methods in the research field of urban planning and encouraged dialogue between academic theory and practical application in architecture.

Furthermore, during the internship, innovative methodologies and approaches to urban studies were developed with a special focus on the local community, social dynamics, and urban reality. This new knowledge and approaches will be integrated into the Sustainable Toolkit for the Assessment of Master Plans (STAMP), an online tool designed for professionals in the fields of architecture and urban planning, as well as academics and experts in the public and private sectors. STAMP enables a detailed analysis of the sustainability of various urban plans, with an emphasis on social, economic, and environmental aspects.

In conclusion, this project has enriched the understanding of urban challenges in Zagreb, contributed to new research and educational methods, and enhanced the dialogue between experts and the local community. These activities are crucial for creating more sustainable and functional cities in the future.

The project is co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.