Introducing Nostalgia Movements
Following the successful interdisciplinary international conference Nostalgia Movements, held on December 15-16, 2022, at the Multimedia Institute in Zagreb (MaMa) and online, SF:ius, in collaboration with the Center for Visual Studies, has published an expanded volume of conference papers. Titled Introducing Nostalgia Movements, this book has been edited by Dr. Dario Vuger, Curator at the Museum of Fine Arts in Osijek. The volume includes scientific contributions, interviews, essays, and reviews of artistic works and is available in open access for all interested readers and researchers.
Konferencija Pokreti Nostalgije
U četvrtak i petak, 15.-16.12.2022. održala se interdisciplinarna konferencija Pokreti Nostalgije / Nostalgia Movements u prostorima Multimedijalnog Instituta i preko Zoom platforme. U dvakonferencijska dana održano je šesnaest izlaganja uključujući dva plenarna razgovora, predavanja sudionika iz Hrvatske, Italije, Španjolske, Ekvadora, Poljske, Kanade, SAD-a i Nizozemske; u hibridom formatu on-site/on-line izvedbe programa u otvorenom je pristupu…